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How To Clean Kitchen Cabinets in 7 Simple Steps

By: Andrew Saladino | 6 min

Person cleaning kitchen cabinets.

While kitchen cabinets are resistant to things like spills and scratches, they could always use a little TLC. You may spot-check here and there, but when was the last time you did a deep clean?

Let's start with what to clean kitchen cabinets with. Here's what you'll need:

  • All-purpose cleaner
  • Soft cloths or sponges
  • Toothbrush for getting into hard-to-reach areas
  • Bucket (for rinsing)
  • Plastic putty knife (for removing stubborn dirt)
  • Vacuum cleaner with attachments (optional)

Cleaning kitchen cabinets can seem like a tedious task, but it doesn't have to be. Learn how to clean kitchen cabinets in 7 simple steps below.

How To Clean Kitchen Cabinets

  1. Empty the Cabinets
  2. Wipe Down the Interiors
  3. Get the Tricky Spots
  4. Wipe Down the Exterior
  5. Clean Around the Hardware
  6. Final Wipe-Down
  7. Organize Your Cabinets
  8. FAQs

1. Empty the Cabinets

Empty kitchen cabinets.

Start from a blank slate to ensure everything is cleaned properly.

  • Remove all the items from your cabinets and place them on a counter or table nearby.
  • Toss anything that is expired or nearly empty.
  • If any bags or boxes are worn or have holes, pour the contents into jars and label them. This will prevent any further mess.

Tip: Keep a list of the items you throw away so next time you're at the grocery store, you remember what to replace.

2. Wipe Down the Interiors

Person wiping down kitchen cabinet interiors.

Time to get to cleaning!

  • Start by finding a cleaner that is safe to use on your cabinets.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals, abrasive cleaners, and products with bleach. Not only are these bad for cabinets, but they could also pose health risks.
  • All-purpose cleaners are usually safe to use, but read the label to confirm that it is not too strong.
  • Spray down the inside of the cabinet and wipe with a cloth or sponge.

Tip: You want to avoid letting your cabinets get too damp, so remember that a little goes a long way.

3. Get the Tricky Spots

Person cleaning tricky spots inside kitchen cabinets.

Anytime you're cleaning the kitchen, you're bound to run into some sticky situations. Here's how to tackle 'em:

  • Any residue that is still leftover after the first cleaning can be attacked with a stronger cleaner.
  • For natural wood cabinets, use a gentle cleaner and scrub lightly to avoid scratches.
  • Don't forget to tackle the gunky buildup on door frames and cabinet joints.

Tip: Once your cabinets and fixtures are squeaky clean, use a polish or sealant to help repel dirt in the future.

4. Wipe Down the Exterior

Person wiping down kitchen cabinet exterior.

Now that the insides of your cabinets are clean, it's time to give the exterior a once-over.

  • Start with the cabinet doors, spraying the same solution from step two and then wiping in smooth, even strokes.
  • Make sure you don't miss any spots by going in one direction: up and down or side to side.
  • After you've gone over every inch of the door surfaces, use a damp cloth to wipe away the residue.
  • Be sure to use glass cleaner if you have any windowed cabinets.

Tip: Don't forget to wash the sides of the cabinets, even in tough spots such as next to the refrigerator or wall. The edges can accumulate a good amount of debris.

5. Clean Around the Hardware

Person cleaning kitchen cabinet hardware.

Don't forget about your hardware! You open and close your cabinets a lot, so these areas may be the dirtiest.

  • Double-check that your chosen cleaning solution won't stain the hardware.
  • Use an old toothbrush to gently scrub the edges of door handles, knobs, and hinges.
  • When you're finished, dry off the hardware with a paper towel or microfiber cloth.

Tip: If your handles or knobs are especially dirty, remove them and give them a good soak in a mixture of warm water, vinegar, and a dash of dish soap. This will help release any glop you may have missed.

6. Final Wipe-Down

Person wiping down kitchen cabinets.

Before you start putting everything away, you'll want to do one last wipe-down to ensure nothing was missed.

  • Use a clean, lightly dampened cloth and wipe away any lingering cleaner.
  • Reinstall any hardware you removed in the previous step.
  • Double-check that all surfaces are completely dry before you start putting items back in the cabinets.

Tip: Place a few silica gel packs inside each cabinet to help absorb any extra moisture and keep everything smelling fresh.

7. Organize Your Cabinets

Clean and organized kitchen cabinets.

Now that your cabinets are nice and clean, it's time to put everything in its right place.

  • Make sure to wipe off everything as you put items back into your cabinets.
  • Try grouping items together according to how often you use them and how easy they are to reach.
  • Place larger, less-used items in the back of your cabinets and smaller, often-used items up front.

Tip: If you were unhappy with the way you had organized your cabinets previously, this is your time to make a change. Get creative and have fun with it!

How Often Should You Clean Your Cabinets?

Cleaning your kitchen cabinets can be a process, but once you have a game plan and time set aside, it will be well worth it.

For a pristine kitchen, try doing a deep clean on your kitchen cabinets at least twice a year. But they still need regular upkeep. After all, the best way to clean kitchen cabinets is to tackle issues as they arise.

Here are a few things you can do between deep cleanings to ensure your kitchen remains neat and tidy:

  • Wipe down the inside and outside of cabinets with a damp cloth once per month.
  • Dust shelves, drawers, tracks, knobs, and hinges often.
  • Inspect contents for expired items or anything that needs to be thrown away.
  • Spot-clean any spills as soon as they happen.
  • Avoid accumulating too many items in one spot.
  • Ensure dishes are dry before returning them to the cabinets.

How to Clean Your Kitchen Cabinets FAQ

How do you clean kitchen cabinets without removing the finish?

You can clean kitchen cabinets without removing the finish by following these steps:

  • Select a clearer that is safe for use on your cabinet materials.
  • Wipe down the inside and outside of each cabinet with a dampened cloth or sponge.

How do you get grease and grime off wood cabinets?

To get grease and grime off wood cabinets, you can use a combination of baking soda and white vinegar. The acidic properties of the white vinegar will help break up the grease and grime while the baking soda will act as an abrasive cleaner, loosening dirt particles.

What is the best thing to clean wood kitchen cabinets with?

The best thing to clean wood kitchen cabinets with is mild, wood-safe detergent and warm water. Be sure to wipe gently to avoid scratching the wood.

Can you use Dawn dish soap on wood cabinets?

Yes, you can use Dawn dish soap on wood cabinets. However, it's important to thoroughly rinse the area afterward and dry it with a clean cloth to prevent any residue that could damage the wood.

Time To Roll Up Your Sleeves

Now that you know how to clean kitchen cabinets, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get started. With a few simple steps, you can easily keep those cabinets looking like new for years to come.

If your freshly clean cabinets aren't quite the look you're going for, consider swapping out your cabinet knobs or handles for a quick budget-friendly upgrade.

Or, if the stains and scratches can't be removed despite your hard work, it may be time to make that dream remodel a reality by replacing your kitchen cabinets altogether.

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